Photo representative of typical factory farm facilities.

Photo representative of typical factory farm facilities.
Eggland’s Best is one of the worst when it comes to the way its egg suppliers abuse millions of hens. As this new Mercy For Animals investigation shows, egg-laying hens are crammed for nearly their entire lives in cages so small the birds are unable even to walk without stepping on other birds. Dead birds rot in cages with hens still laying eggs destined for the country’s breakfast plates, and workers violently rip birds out of cages and throw them into trash cans to be cruelly gassed to death.
Sign the Petition
Act Now! Tell Eggland’s Best to Stop Cramming Hens Into Cages
Dear Eggland’s Best:
Please commit to making 100 percent of the eggs and egg products you sell cage-free.
I just saw video footage of horrific animal abuse at one of your egg suppliers—Briarwood Farms. What I saw made me sick to my stomach: hens suffering from open wounds, bleeding prolapses, and extreme feather loss; dead birds rotting in cages with live birds still laying eggs for human consumption; and hundreds of thousands of hens crammed for nearly their entire lives in wire cages so small the animals could barely move.
The disgusting animal abuse documented at this egg factory farm is the stuff of nightmares.
Confining hens in cages is so cruel that California and Michigan have banned the practice. Massachusetts and Rhode Island are considering similar bans.
Additionally, leading food retailers, including Walmart, Kroger, Albertsons, Safeway, Costco, and Target, and more than 100 other food companies have pledged to switch to cage-free eggs. Restaurants such as McDonald’s, Burger King, and Subway have also demanded their egg suppliers stop cramming hens into cages.
Even many of your own competitors, including Rembrandt, are going cage-free. When will Eggland’s Best stop torturing these poor birds and pledge to go 100 percent cage-free too?
The further Eggland’s Best falls behind on this issue, the more it looks like your company condones blatant animal abuse.
Eggstreme Cruelty and Neglect
The best way for individual consumers to help end this cruelty is to leave animals off their plates.
Fight Animal Abuse!
You can make a difference for animals by joining Mercy For Animals today.